How to use SmartControl API


Account to SmartControl.

Serialnumber of the heatpump you want to get values from.

Posibility to send JSON data with POST method to


Your JSON string have to look like this:

{'usermail': 'HERE PUT YOUR ACCOUNT MAIL', 'userpassword': 'HERE PUT YOUR PASSWORD','fabnr':HERE PUT THE SERIALNUMBER, 'get':{'bestgreen':0,'sensor':0,'relay':0,'timer':0,'userSettings':0}}


You have to set the value to 1 if you want to get the data.


{'usermail': 'HERE PUT YOUR ACCOUNT MAIL', 'userpassword': 'HERE PUT YOUR PASSWORD','fabnr':HERE PUT THE SERIALNUMBER, 'get':{'bestgreen':0,'sensor':1,'relay':0,'timer':0,'userSettings':0}}

Here will you get an JSON string with the actualy sensor values.



{'usermail': 'HERE PUT YOUR ACCOUNT MAIL', 'userpassword': 'HERE PUT YOUR PASSWORD','fabnr':HERE PUT THE SERIALNUMBER, 'set':{'CH':1}}

Here will you change the central heating to On.

Posible parameters for "set".

Name Value
CH 0 = Off, 1 = On, 2 = External controlled
CHCurve 0 - 20
CHTemp Default 20 - 45. Depends on the min and max temp on this heatpump.
VV 0 = Off, 1 = On, 2 = External controlled
VVTemp Default 5 - 55. Depends on the min and max temp on this heatpump.
VVClock 0 = Clock, 1 = constant On, 2 = constant off